Thursday, August 12, 2010

Learn About Time Line Therapy....

Many persons have several really diverse opinions about hypnosis, and its implications on the mental state of men and women who undergo treatments. There’s certainly a whole lot much more to it magic tricks and showmanship. Several persons swear by its medicinal applications, saying that it helped them acquire earlier tough periods of time in their lives. Other people claim that it impossible for them to be hypnotized, and insist that it is all basically trickery.

Whatever your opinion on the matter may well happen to become, you most likely would agree that inside course behavior, many what affects the way we see and react to factors we encounter in the world is based upon our previous experience. Occasionally, if we’ve had tough times with within the past, it will cause us to become less successful with numerous ventures in our futures. We subconsciously predisposition ourselves to failure, whether it’s in business, relationships, or several other aspect of our personal lives.

The general idea behind Time Line Therapy is, by means of a special kind of hypnotic suggestion, problems that you can’t seem to be in a position to let go of from your previous is usually revisited in a light. The mind, when it reflects on events that have already happened, some what like a very biased newscaster. You at times can’t help but recall factors using your own special emotional spin, which can dilute the accuracy on the events that may well have transpired. Poor experiences even much more negative as much more and a lot more time passes, and eventually your attitude toward similar opportunities from the future gets affected.

Time Line Therapy is utilized to set you free, inside a way. As the session begins, you’re put into a extremely relaxed state. It’s important that a sufficiently dark room be used, otherwise you have trouble surrendering your senses to the experience. The Therapist, at that point, will act as a guide. By way of suggestion conversation that’s meant to explore the past, you will revisit events that may be troubling you from your previous together.
The therapist’s goal at that point is to aid you to realize the positive aspects in the previous encounter. Just like there’s always two sides to a story, there’s almost always sometime good that may be taken away from something that happened long ago. The purpose of this is always that you do come out hypnotic state, as well as the treatment session is called to a close, an immediate change in your reflections on the previous could have taken place.

Being a result, all in the fear and anxiety that you simply may well have felt will melt away, and you’ll no be concerned pursue anything your heart desires inside future. Of course, it is still usually very important to take lessons away from alternative medicine history. The necessary factor is you’re no longer inhibited within your decision-making procedure as a consequence of emotional issues that haven’t extremely relinquished their grasp on you until now....

Essential Forms Of Medicinal Drugs And Treatment Plans For Diabetes....

What is distressing as regards people who are suffering from diabetic issues is that scores of them stay undiagnosed for the most part because of lack of knowledge on the ailment and lack resources to even go to see a health care professional and recognize their real state. In reality, more frequently than not, ‘diabetics” or the people who are suffering from diabetes simply know about their situation when their bodies exhibit signs and indications that can no longer be ignored. These include excessive blurring of sight, excruciating pains in particular in the legs, and cuts or sores that takes time to wounds that do not heal at all and needs to cut to steer clear of further affected cells from spreading to other areas of the body.

Since diabetes is a chronic sickness, folks who are suffering from it must be more alert about their wellbeing more than ever. It means that they should visit their doctors more often, maintain a healthy way of life and take the necessary medicines or undergo needed treatments for them to stay healthy.

Before taking in any medicine or undergoing a certain treatment, it is a necessity that individual is familiar with what sort of diabetes he or she is suffering from. Essentially, there are three kinds of diabetes: type 1 diabetes where the person’s body doesn’t have the ability to give off insulin, which is crucial for sugar to turn the foodstuff into energy; the type 2 diabetes—the most widespread type—restricts the person’s pancreas to produce sufficient supply insulin for the body to use well; and the gestational diabetes which occurs among pregnant females and can lead to type 2 diabetes ultimately if not monitored immediately.
Experts say that folks with diabetes should aspire diet and getting repeated exercise to manage the illness. At times, there will be the need to take in some medications or undergo treatment options. The following are just some of the general medications advised for people with diabetes:

1. Insulin shots. Since insufficient insulin levels in the body cause diabetes, insulin itself can resolve the problem. For diabetics, insulin is exceptionally crucial because it lowers the blood sugar in the body through moving the sugar from the person’s blood into the cells. Insulin should be taken at least two times daily to make sure that there will be stable blood sugar control. It ought to be taken at least 30 minutes ahead of every meal or should be taken before one eats particularly if she or he requires a fast effecting type.

2. Oral drugs. People with type 1 diabetes are not advised to use oral medicines in view of the fact that insulin shots are injected in their bodies 24/7 in order to survive. Oral medications work best to people with type 2 diabetes—especially those who have high blood sugar—because these can serve as a supplement for them. The most common oral drugs include sulfonylureas which forces the pancreas to create to lower the blood sugar levels; siguanides which will help reach lower blood sugar by stopping the liver in generating too much sugar; metformin which helps the person lose weight which is the common cause of diabetes; thiazolidinediones develop higher sensitivity to insulin which moves the glucose from the blood; and meglitinides which is responsible for helping the pancreas produce more insulin immediately following each meal to effectively lower blood sugar levels....

Bio-technology Herbal Treatment For Diabetes...

Diabetes is not just about of urine, eating too much or high blood sugar level. According WHO, more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes.
In 2005, an estimated 1.1 million died from diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. 50% of people diabetes die of cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke).
What frightening is not the disease itself, but the complications that followed by the disease.
Diabetes is a disease caused by unusual metabolism. It happens when our body cannot excrete sufficient insulin when cells cannot with insulin and subsequently glucose inside our blood is being accumulated and excreted from urine. Due to diabetes is highly related to individual eating habit and control blood glucose by medicines is time consuming, it is not easy to control prevent complications of diabetes. As the development of biotechnology is increasing, diabetic patients can now easily improve their problems and prevent its complications.
By using sophisticated biotechnology, Insupro Forte is being produced through extraction and enhancement of bitter gourd ingredients such saponin which proven to have hypoglycemic effect without side effect.
Insupro Forte is a molecular plant protein, and is more readily absorbed into our system when compared to insulin. Insupro Forte not only helps bring down the blood sugar level, it also helps repair physically altered cells and protects the cells, in fact it promotes the production of more cells.
This increase in healthy cells restores the function of pancreas. This property of Insupro Forte differs greatly insulin replacement property of conventional medication. On top of that, clinical trials have proven that an overdose on Insupro Forte does not induce hypoglycemia or other side effects.
Research had confirmedt bitter gourd has blood glucose lowering activities. The study also concluded that the effect of Insupro Forte were comparable to that of drugs....

7 Effective Tips Get Rid of Acne Scars...

Acne can cause serious problems your face, or other areas that it affects. Acne scars are red hyper pigments on the skin that are due to pimples and zits. Acne scar treatment is easy if the acne is does not come back on same area of the skin again but it becomes difficult to remove the permanent acne scars if acne lesions reoccur. Like acne remedies, you will find also natural treatments for acne scars. Natural sources like herbs could be utilized to treat acne or pimple scars. The healing process is gradual and it time for natural treatments for acne scars. However, they are safer than other methods and have absolutely no negative effects. However, here are some instructions which you need follow:

1. Receive the Punch Technique. This technique to get rid of acne scars applies to people who have deep-pitted acne scars. Similar a hair transplant, a piece of scarred skin is “punched” then removed after which the skin graft is taken, usually from behind the ear, and placed where the scarred skin was removed. When the treatment is done, it can also be combined with Laser Resurfacing or Dermabrasion. If the area on the skin is small enough, it might be unnecessary to replace it.

2. Hormonal treatments can also be effective in many ways. In fact, acne can be cured to a good extent with hormonal treatments especially women. Have you ever heard of cortisone, an injection that a dermatologist may use to the problem area to lessen redness and swelling instantaneously?

3. Get Dermabrasion-You should not mix this with micro-dermabrasion which removes the top layer of dead surface skin cells from the face, as this coarser method removes deeper layers. It would be almost as if you were to sandpaper on your face (which you shouldn’t!).

4. This sounds not easy. It demands a good habit and healthy diet. So eat healthyly. Eat several bananas every day will you a lot. Banana is a fantastic fruit. It has the functions of eliminating toxin, beautifying skin, delaying ageing and balancing oil secretion.

5. Exfoliate your skin baking soda. Often times a version of baking soda is used in cosmetic micro-dermabrasion treatments. You can give yourself a mini micro-dermabrasion treatment by mixing teaspoon of baking with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

6 .The best sleep time is between 22 o’clock and 6 o’clock. Don’t sleep too late. If your life is very busy stressful, try make it a balanced one . Staying up will make your skin worse,and your acne problem can not be getted rid of easily. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.

7. In addition eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapples contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help fade acne marks....

Rock Life with Shilajit...

Shilajit or Silajit is used in the Ayurveda and also top most traditional Indian system of medicine with a blessing of god to the mankind and also considered as amrit from God, given to them to live life youthfully and become immortal. Shilajit a material that enhances strength, stamina, and stress relief. The color of Shilajit is pale brown to blackish brown and slimy to touch, pure and heavy. Shilajit contain at least 85 types of minerals in Ionic form, including triterpenes, himic acid, fulvic acid and carboxylic acid. Shilajit has been used since centuries but it was not known to the western arlier.
Sanskrit meaning of Shilajit is Rock Like – the power to make human body like a rock enabling it to withstand the ravages of time. Shilajit have to be found in the Himalayan Mountains In India, Tibet, China and region Himalayan belt. Shilajit is the end product of the plants which are trapped in rocks, decomposed and preserved due to high pressure. There are some factors for composition of this drug, like the species of plants involved, climatic conditions and altitude. Shilajit is a pure and natural herbal product, which is very useful in many diseases and serves as a potent tonic and one of the powerful ant aging herb and rejuvenator.
Benifits of Shilajit for both men & women:
1. Shilajit is an antioxidant, which generation of free radicals in the body and provides youthful life for longer time.
2. Shilajit purifies the blood & control pressure.
3. It is useful in Depression, Mental Stress, Mental Fatigue as well as Mental Concentration.
4. Shilajit is a very good pain relieving in any kind of injury and muscular pain.
5. Shilajit regulates the blood sugar level well used in treating diabetes cases.
6. It is also helpful in making skin appear shiny, fresh and glowing.
7. It is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent that reduce acute chemically induced edema by 77%.
8. It is also helpful in urinary problems.
9. Shilajit is helpful therapy in piles and fistula problems.
10. It also increases the core energy responsible for our sexual and spiritual power.
Proper way of taking Shilajit:
Shilajit is very safe herb for anyone veryone to take. 2 Capsules per day is sufficient until to achieved the desired results.
Shilajit Side Effects:
It is being used traditionally since ages and it is also being used in the ayurvedic herbal medicines since many centuries, there significant side effects seen. But there is lack of studies as far as the clinical safety is concerned. Take proper dosages its good results.
Now a days Shilajit has been verified, approved and patents offered by United States and also there are many testimonials from people who are taking this drug have been received improvements beyond their expectations. It is a very rare and most popular drug in nature and this is the reason for his high value.quality of Shilajit is found in only India with other names of asphaltum, girij and mineral pitch....

The Truth about Treating Head Lice...

Parents are often misinformed when it comes to head lice. Thankfully, the internet has lots of advice and articles that will help misconceptions will help you when you’re treating head lice. Before can start treatment, however, you first need to understand the lifestyle and lifecycle of this parasite.
The Truth about The Louse
• It is a parasitic insect that needs the heat and blood of human scalp to survive

• These insects do not transmit diseases or infections through their feeding habits

• These insects do not jump or fly from host to host; they actually lack the physical ability to do so. Instead they transmit to different hosts via direct or indirect contact.
• Direct contact may occur when children play and rub heads.

• Indirect contact may occur when children share head wear, scarves and hair accessories.
The Louse Life Cycle
Understanding lifecycle of head louse can make a big difference when you have to treat an infestation.

• An adult head louse will lay several eggs (also known as nits) every day. The insects will ensure the eggs are securely fixed to the hair strands of the host, usually close to the scalp.

• A nit will sit on the hair strand until it is ready to hatch. The nit will hatch 7 – 14 days after being laid.

• The nit hatches, and a nymph is born. A nymph is a baby head louse that is free to mature and roam the host head. A nymph will take another 7 – 14 days to mature into an adult louse.

• The adult insect will have a lifespan of around 30 days, providing they stay in contact with a host.

• If separated from the host, the span of the louse reduces to just 72 hours.
As you can from the life cycle you also need to consider treatments that will eliminate the nits (nipping the life cycle in the bud) as well as the adult or developed insects. You will also need to treat areas and bedding in your home, to ensure that leftover insects cannot cause another outbreak.
Treating Head Lice Effectively

Start by treating the infestations on your family, and ensure that once you have treated your family that you immediately take appropriate measures in your home.
Infestations on Humans – Whether you decide to go with pesticide based treatments or alternative remedies, make sure when treating an infestation that you are persistent with your efforts. Even if you have more one child, but only one child is showing signs of the parasites, it’s better to treat the entire family.
Infestations at Home – You MUST treat your home, as well as your family’s hair. This will prevent another infestation from occurring in the near future. Put all bedding that can be washed on a hot wash. Tumble dry, dry clean or items that cannot be washed. Put plush toys and teddies into an airtight container and keep sealed for weeks. Temperatures of 125 degrees Fahrenheit for ten minutes or more will kill any residing insects....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Distance Education: fills the gap between illiterate and literate....

Distance education
is the new mode of education where education or study is provided to students who are located at distant places, through well prepared study material, by audio-visual aids supplements and also in the of online learning. This mode of education is also known as distance learning or correspondence study. Furthermore, this education system has helped people to extend their dynamic personality and also help them to connect in several other activities.
This Distance education is especially designed for those who are not able to go and attend regular classes due their Job earning condition and also for girls who usually prefer distance-learning education as they have time restriction and other rules. This education is very popular in all over the world especially in India where people work hard for their social and economical well-being. Not only has this, this education also highly beneficial for those people who are aged or not able to adapt education at their age group because of their genuine problem. This distance education system helps them a lot to acquire a fair amount of commitment and dedication to their desirable degree or course studies,
However, under this distance education student can easily earned their desire degree with any discipline course such as Science, Humanities, commerce and other technical etc. Students can easily choose any for all undergraduate, doctorate degrees, post graduate degrees as well as certificate courses and diploma courses. There are countless universities and institution are available the market. All of them are offering direct academic courses via online learning. This will helps the students a lot to earn their desirable degree programme without any hassle.
Talk about the cost of this distance education is very inexpensive which can be easily affordable anyone without making hole in their pocket....

MBA Professionals with New Ideas and Plans.....

Increasing need and popularity of management professionals has helped in getting awesome start from many MBA colleges. Especially, since dawn of business houses, liberalization and even government departments are in constant need of well qualified and skilled management professionals from top rated MBA colleges. There are many factors that has enhanced the demand of experienced and well skilled MBA professionals including vigorous economic growth, superior competition and focus on skilled man power. All these factors management students with hard work and continuous updated with international market. In every sphere of business world, well trained and efficient manager are required who can manage business well. Indian MBA colleges have come a long way. Since the days of being few dozen in numbers, there has been manifold increase in their numbers. Huge numbers of management aspirants have also helped in making MBA colleges ubiquitous every part of India.

There are many prestigious and world known MBA colleges in India that are offering wide verity of MBA degree programs at different level like at graduate, masters and doctoral level. IIM Ahmedabad is the premier institute in India, other than this Lucknow, Kozhikode, Indore, Kolkata, Bangalore, XLRI in Jamshedpur, FMS of Delhi, ISB of Hyderabad, Bajaj and S P Jain in Mumbai are some of the MBA colleges that not created benchmark for other MBA colleges in India but also create favorable image in all over the world. Besides these Symbiosis, IIFT, Narsee Monjee, IMT, IRMA are some of the B grade MBA colleges that are offering quality education to students visit from different sections of the world. MBA is one of the favorable and most demanded management courses which help one in knowing of business and how to tackle international market. Master of Business Administration provides a great help to those joining the corporate sector in order to manage different types of business houses. It provides a deep administrative vision about the latest trends of corporate sector at the international level.

Admission to these top rated mba or business schools are not an easy task, one has to go for entrance exams, group discussion and personal interview. One should have A grade academic records along with good percentile in entrance exams. Most of top MBA colleges conduct admission on the basis CAT entrance exams. Besides CAT, there are many other mba entrance exams like XAT, MAT, GMAT and many more that offers mba admission in B grade MBA and institutes. Since MBA is multi-disciplinary, so a students from any theme, who has passed his or her degree course with any subject like arts, commerce, social science, engineering, sciences or technology or any other subject can apply MBA admission. But it is recommended for the students to go through all the necessary information like recognition, offered, facilities, admission criteria, mode of examination, reputation and goodwill in world market, internship and recruitment programs before enrolling with any management colleges or universities. All these help you in saving time and bright career and future prospects...

Killtest TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and Part 2 OG0-093 Test...

The actual OG0-093 test has 48 questions, which will spens candidates 150 minutes on finishing the exam. Each section has a maximum time limit as follows: 60 Minutes on TOGAF 9 Part 1. 90 Minutes on TOGAF 9 Part 2. Once you complete the TOGAF 9 Part 1 section you cannot return to it. What is passing score of OG0-093 exam? The pass mark for Part 1 is 55%, this means 22 or more points out of maximum of 40 points. For Part 2, the pass mark is 60%, this means 24 or points out of a maximum of 40 points. Note that you must pass both parts of the exam to achieve an overall pass result. If you fail either part you fail the examination. How to pass the exam successfully? Try killtest latest OG0-093 test questions, you will get more benefits.
There are 80 Questions including killtest OG0-093 exam, which covers all the knowledge points of the actual test. Share some questions of killtest OG0-093 exam.
According to TOGAF, which of the following are the architecture domains that are commonly accepted subsets of an overall enterprise architecture?
A. Application, Business, Data, Technology
B. Capability, Segment, Strategic
C. Context, Definition, Transformation
D. Definition, Realization, Transition, Vision
Answer: A
Which one of the following statements about the structure of the TOGAF 9 document is true?
A. Part I describes the TOGAF approach to Enterprise Architecture
B. Part II describes the of terms used and the changes between versions of TOGAF
C. Part III describes requirements management and is considered to be the core of TOGAF
D. Part IV describes the ADM: a collection of guidelines and techniques used in TOGAF 9
Answer: A
According to TOGAF, which one of the following best describes an enterprise architecture?
A. An architecture of a commercial organization
B. An architecture that consists of more than one subsidiary company
C. An architecture multiple systems
, and multiple functional groups within the
D. The highest level of architecture that can be achieved in a given organization

Maharashtra Academy of Engineering & Educational Research
(MAEER), Pune, Established in 1983, is a well-known
educational trust with 47 institutions delivering KG to PG
education Founded with a simple proposition of meeting the
need of a center for scientific and educational research,
MAEER's Maharashtra Institutes of Technology (MIT) stands
proud with campuses sprawling acres of hallowed grounds at
various locations.
Conducting Pune University approved and autonomous
Pharmacy, Medicine and Polytechnic, this multi-campus and
multidisciplinary weaves a mosaic of integrity, commitment and
dedication binding it with strands of strong Indian values.
With alumni that are an assortment of professional working in
blue-chip companies; eminent permanent & visiting faculty that
meets international standards; academic partnership with major
international companies that help develop a global outlook and
stunning campus placements that vault careers, MIT continues
to be a gateway to a successful future for students across the
"MITSDE embraces a vision to enhance the scientific
and cultural vision of the society while developing and
sustaining the institute's identity as one of the best
distance learning institutions of the highest international
"As India's leading center of academic excellence,
MITSDE is committed to imparting productivity,
entrepreneurship & creativity among the student through
an outstanding educational environment. The institute
also aims to develop learners equipped with high
personal and professional skills for the corporate world
disciplines and serving the major professions."
To harness the knowledge of science and
technology for the welfare of the society.

This is the age of competition. To get promotions in the jobs and to step higher is the dream of each and everyone. For this education is the key. When you have experience along with the degree you have a strong range to surpass the competitors.
MITSDE, recognized by Distance Education Council Government of India provides you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams. There are various courses offered to provide you with the power of education.
Several courses offered are:
-PGD in Energy Management
-PGD in Fire Protection Engineering
-PGD in Risk and Insurance Management
-PGD in Project Management
-PGD in Retail Management
-PGD in Finance Management
-PGD in Information Technology
-PGD in Marketing Management
-PGD in Human Resource Management
-PGD in Operations Management
-PGD in Wealth Management
-PGD in Supply Chain Management
-PGD in Materials Management
-PGD in Payroll and Business Management
-Diploma in Retail Management
-Diploma in Business Administration
-Flexible oneline examination schedule
-Appear in examinations from a location that is convenient to them at any of the selected MIT selected exam centers
-No negative marking system

MITSDE-Distance Education courses for working professionals...

Maharashtra Academy of Engineering & Educational Research
(MAEER), Pune, Established in 1983, is a well-known
educational trust with 47 institutions delivering KG to PG
education Founded with a simple proposition of meeting the
need of a center for scientific and educational research,
MAEER's Maharashtra Institutes of Technology (MIT) stands
proud with campuses sprawling acres of hallowed grounds at
various locations.
Conducting Pune University approved and autonomous
Pharmacy, Medicine and Polytechnic, this multi-campus and
multidisciplinary weaves a mosaic of integrity, commitment and
dedication binding it with strands of strong Indian values.
With alumni that are an assortment of professional working in
blue-chip companies; eminent permanent & visiting faculty that
meets international standards; academic partnership with major
international companies that help develop a global outlook and
stunning campus placements that vault careers, MIT continues
to be a gateway to a successful future for students across the
"MITSDE embraces a vision to enhance the scientific
and cultural vision of the society while developing and
sustaining the institute's identity as one of the best
distance learning institutions of the highest international
"As India's leading center of academic excellence,
MITSDE is committed to imparting productivity,
entrepreneurship & creativity among the student through
an outstanding educational environment. The institute
also aims to develop learners equipped with high
personal and professional skills for the corporate world
disciplines and serving the major professions."
To harness the knowledge of science and
technology for the welfare of the society.

This is the age of competition. To get promotions in the jobs and to step higher is the dream of each and everyone. For this education is the key. When you have experience along with the degree you have a strong range to surpass the competitors.
MITSDE, recognized by Distance Education Council Government of India provides you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams. There are various courses offered to provide you with the power of education.
Several courses offered are:
-PGD in Energy Management
-PGD in Fire Protection Engineering
-PGD in Risk and Insurance Management
-PGD in Project Management
-PGD in Retail Management
-PGD in Finance Management
-PGD in Information Technology
-PGD in Marketing Management
-PGD in Human Resource Management
-PGD in Operations Management
-PGD in Wealth Management
-PGD in Supply Chain Management
-PGD in Materials Management
-PGD in Payroll and Business Management
-Diploma in Retail Management
-Diploma in Business Administration
-Flexible oneline examination schedule
-Appear in examinations from a location that is convenient to them at any of the selected MIT selected exam centers
-No negative marking system

8 of the best forex ebooks....

FX Power Trading Course
This is a long forex ebook that looks many aspects of trading including brokers, risk management and systems.

80 Forex Strategies
As it's name suggests, this ebook contains 80 very quick and easy to follow forex strategies for you to try. Always on a demo account.

Quick guide to forex
A fairly short ebook that gives you a quick overview of forex trading
FX Wizard
This ebook looks into how to be a disciplined trader and the consequences of being making rash trading decisions.

Forex for everyone
This one looks into the different styles trading including long term trading, swing trading and scalping.

Online manual for successful trading
A very long ebook explaining in detail all about forex market. Includes information on strategy, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and much more.
ICWR Forex Trading Strategy
This is a nice little unconventional strategy, has yielded good results for many traders.

Candlesticks for Support and Resistance
This is a nice little forex ebook that explains how to use candlesticks and how they can act as support and resistance.
FX Power Trading Course
This is a long forex ebook that looks many aspects of trading including brokers, risk management and systems.

80 Forex Strategies
As it's name suggests, this ebook contains 80 very quick and easy to follow forex strategies for you to try. Always start a demo account.

Quick guide to forex
A fairly short ebook that gives you quick overview of forex trading
FX Wizard
This ebook looks into how to be a disciplined trader and the consequences of being making rash trading decisions.

Forex for everyone
This one looks into the different styles of trading including long term trading, swing trading and scalping.

Online manual for successful trading
A very long ebook explaining in detail about the forex market. Includes information on strategy, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and much more.
ICWR Forex Trading Strategy
This is a nice little unconventional strategy, but has yielded good results for many traders.

Candlesticks for Support and Resistance
This is a nice little forex ebook explains how to use candlesticks and how they can act as support and resistance.

Advice on Forex Brokers, Strategies and Systems....

Are you looking to learn forex trading? You have come to the right place! Did you know that over 95% of traders lose money? And you know that most new traders end up blowing up their account and giving up within 3 months?
These numbers are not good, are they? My goal in creating is to help you avoid being just another statistic!
These figures may make think trading forex is difficult. For most people this is not really true. With the right forex education, trading strategy and trading discipline, almost anybody can be a successful trader. For education be sure to check.

Even if you have one of the best forex trading strategies in the world, you will never be a successful trader until you can become a disciplined trader.
Are you feeling a little bit lost in the world of forex trading? Check out our tutorial section There are many unique tutorial pages to help you learn to trade forex and become a winning trader.
I also look different forex strategies and suggest only the best ones.
I remember when I started to learn forex trading, all I wanted to do was signup for a live account with a forex broker and begin trading, using high leverage.
Of course, when I started trading i'd had no training or education and I had no idea what I was doing. Consequently, I lost money.
Learning to trade the forex market takes time, dedication and a lot of patience.

You are very unlikely tosuccessful right away. My advice to you as a trader whose been trading for five years. Take your time, don't be in a hurry to trade. Learn to understand what makes the forex move the way it does. Learn about technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Spend time making your own forex strategy.
Do your research and find yourself a good solid forex broker. Lot's of forex brokers are just out to take your money off you.
Most forex brokers offer demo accounts. You can practice your forex trading strategies on a demo account before trade live. If a strategy doesn't work on a demo account, it will not work on a live account, so you can save your money!

Forex Trading

Add certainty and systematization into Forex trading with this practical approach. Author and industry professional Igor Toshchakov shows how recurring market patterns--which can be recognized on a simple bar chart--can successfully used to trade the Forex market. Written for traders at every level, this valuable resource discusses the challenges developing a trading method, while revealing the Toshchakov's approach to the market--both from a philosophical and tactical point of view. You'll discover specific trading strategies based recognizable market patterns, get detailed information on entry and exit points, profit targets, stop losses, risk evaluation, and much more.
"Beat the Odds in Forex Trading provides traders tremendous value by disseminating the trading methods and philosophy of one of the most remarkable Forex success stories since Soros."

Forex News Trading: The latest marketing wizardry in the forex market...

The more subtle marketing wizards package it very scientifically. They use impressive looking historical statistics to show how price action unfolded immediately after certain economic releases. See the pattern, they trumpet, and make money from it.

The less subtle approach explains how beat the gun with proprietary data feeds on supposedly important data releases. In reality, most of these data releases have never had any significant impact the forex market before, but despite this, the marketing wizards invite you to join them in the shoot-out by paying a monthly subscription in the belief that this will help you beat the market makers.
Before I go any further in showing you how to really lose your money, your mind and your interest in this lucrative market, me just tell you why I think you can pay attention to what I have to say on the topic. Apart from the fact that I describe in my book, Bird Watching in Lion Country – Retail Forex Trading Explained (BWILC), the absolute necessity of real-time analysis and the folly of basing a trading strategy for the long-term on very short-term technical analysis indicators - or other illusionary patterns - I also explain a term which I coined: “relational analysis”. This simply means that, if you are trading forex, you have to relate three things all the time: price, time and events.
News trading as a concept mainly to do with “events” and specifically with those anticipated events that cause prices to move more than usual, but only briefly - brief even in terms of trading. News trading as offered by the marketing wizards takes this concept and then distorts it to rob you of your money.
Non-farm payrolls: March 1998
My mentor is an institutional bond trader who has a simple view on technical analysis: “if the prices are high, it may be time to sell and if the prices are low it may be a time to buy”. (He amusingly referred to traders’ screens filled with every conceivable squiggle, line and indicator as Playboys – dirty pictures.)
The point he was making is that trading decisions were not made based on technical analysis other than for the basic positioning it could give you as regards where the price is now, relative to where it has been recently. If you are closely monitoring the market you will have a feel for this anyway, but charts are helpful for a quick snapshot picture.
Noting and being acutely aware of upcoming economic data releases was one of the main elements of his analysis approach to understanding the market and price action. This is what he based his decisions on. At the time I started trading in 1998 I was only vaguely aware of things like CPI, PPI, trade balance, money supply, and unemployment – all the things that give economists and analysts that warm and fuzzy feeling – but I quickly acquired an interest, figured out what each of them meant and started using the Sunday papers’ business section to monitor releases and follow the comments.
At this stage I was trading bonds margin here in South Africa.
I had no live real-time price feed, nor a charting service. After a few months I got a pager-based informational price feed which was about as real-time as you could get. In addition to price changes it also informed me of economic data releases. If you saw a price change occour that made you to want to trade, you used the phone to call the broker - who wasn’t in the primary business of fielding these sorts of calls - and so, if you were lucky you through to someone who was willing to help, and that help usually took the form of discussing how stupid your anticipated trade was.
My dumbest trading idea ever
Now, you have to understand, there is a psychological element to all of this. Big price moves are exciting – and they traders. If you could figure out how the prices would react to the data releases you might just have it made, I thought. But my mentor explained to me why this was about my dumbest idea. Of course I knew everything, and disagreed. “Look”, I said “Here are all the examples, I have this cracked.” But I didn’t. And he explained to me why. Let me first give you some background.

One of the things that I realized when looking into the phenomenon of News Trading (2006 retail FX version) was that it was brand new in the forex market (you’ll see how new below.) I have been watching economic data and its effect on short-term forex pricing since I started in forex in 2000/1. I did this because this is the genetic code of the forex market. Very early on I bought a book by Brian Kettell, “What drives the Currency Markets”? This book contains a dedicated chapter on the phenomenon of expected economic data releases and the academic research on their impact on the US dollar, in the short term and also in the longer run. With the right perspective of the market data releases make sense, as do price action around these data releases. (I am not talking about the on-the-release spikes.)
When I decided to write this newsletter, something prompted me to go to my 1999 diary in which I did some initial, and to me, important research on price behaviour and relating different markets’ influences on the market I was involved in (the South African government bond market). And then I almost fell on my back. What did I see?
On Friday 5 March 1999 at 15:30 local time I wrote:
“US Employment as expected. 14.16% à 14.11% !!!!”
I was referring to the non-farm payrolls report. My note indicated that it had come out as expected and my exclamation marks indicated that it had triggered a relatively big price move on the South African bond market.
Consciously or unconsciously, relating price, event and time has been a part of my trading from the very beginning and constant feature of my analysis. It has become the genetic code 4 X 1 strategy and relational analysis. I watched the effect of the non-farm payrolls for probably 5 to 6 years before many so-called forex gurus caught on. In fact, many of them mechanically recited the mantra “don’t trade on a Friday, play golf” until quite recently.
If repetition is the mother of all learning, my news watching experience may have been what I said to clients in my Daily Briefing (GMT 06:00) on non-farm payrolls (GMT 12:30) October 6, 2006:

You can also rest assured that the new bread of news traders will have an increasing tussle with clearinghouses - a fight the news traders will lose and due to the historical that the jobs report is the big one, the day that April / May 2003/4 - can't exactly remember which one - will be repeated and the blood will be flowing is nearing. Someone going to get sick of it and run the market and shake out every trade straddle and news trader trick in a million mile radius ...

Server Load - Just a Number?

Well, yes, basically the server load is a number. The number is usually under the x.xx format and can have values starting from 0.00. The number expresses how may processes are waiting in the queue to access processor(s). Of course, this is calculated for a certain period of time and of course, smaller the number, the better. A high number is often associated with a decrease in the performance of the server.
You can usually find the server load value in the control panel associated with web hosting account under "Server Status". There you'll find listed a server load value. If you refresh page, you'll notice that the value changes almost everytime. That's because it's and instantly calculated value. However, one can notice over a period of time which are the usual values of the server load.
Knowing what the value of the server load is very important though. Knowing how to interpret the value is what counts. Unfortunately, there's a lot of debate on how to actually interpret it, even among web hosting company owners.
One thing is sure however: all of them consider a server load of 0.xx as safe. As long as most of the time server load is under 1.00, you should not notice any problems like your website being slow.
The uncertainties come when the server load has values over 1.00. Most web hosting company owners apply the following rule: if the server has a single CPU (central processing unit), a server load higher than 1.00 is not good; if the server has two CPUs, a server load over 2.00 is not good and so on.
You have to understand that these are average server loads. All web servers get busy from time time, either because of an user's abuse of resources, or because the server makes some back-ups etc. Usually the tasks requiring lots of resources are programmed by the host to be run during weekends when the traffic is lower so they won't affect the users much.
Things however are not as black and white as you might think by now. With the powerful processors of today even single processor servers might cope quite well with a server load of 2.00.
Also, remember the definition: the server load represents the number of processes waiting to access the CPU. But not all processes are the same! If the processes are low priority, when a new server request (page request) appears, it will be handled almost instantly. That request will not be postponed at all, it will be dealt with immediately, while the lower priority processes will wait.
As usual, and as many people directly implicated in the hosting business say, it all comes down to real-life behavior. Are pages loading fast? Does a process such as searching through a database take a reasonable time? Then you don't really have a problem, whatever the server load is.
Not to mention that the server load is just one factor out of many others (memory usage, CPU usage, size of swap file) and it's often influenced by them. I'll give you an example. If the server has insufficient internal memory it will use a swap file. This means it will work intensely with the hard drive, which increase CPU usage and in turn result in a higher server load which will make the server respond slowly to requests.
In such a case the solution is simple: more internal memory (RAM). That would lead to a lower swap file, lower CPU usage, lower server load, faster response speed. So the server was almost OK, all it needed was more internal memory.
So, the ultimate test is the way that the server behaves. If the server is fast, a number, even if it's called "server load", really doesn't mean much. But then again, I love when I see it constantly at around 0.20.
Personally, if the server load is around 4.00 24/7 and we're talking about a server with a single processor, I would suspect something is wrong: overselling or overloading. In that case, just to make sure I would face serious problems, I would ask my host to do something about the server load or move my website to a server with a lower server load. If the response I get would not please me, I'd look for a new host.

How does Traffic Affect My Hosting?

The topic of hosting involves many different aspects; reliability, customer support, pricing, add-on features, programming, allowable installation of PHP and other popular marketing scripts.
Today, I'm going to ONE topic, traffic, and the effects it has on your web site's hosting. The simple one word answer here is 'Bandwith'.
By definition, Bandwith is the measurement of data, and the speed at which it flows through the phone lines, cable or DSL lines to tranfer information to and from a web site via your computer.
In relation to your web site hosting, Bandwith measures this flow of data transfer, otherwise termed 'Traffic'. plain English, it's the number of hits you receive to your site; pure volume multiplied by the file sizes included on your pages.
So, if you have an all text based web site, you would be able to receive more traffic, at lower bandwith numbers, than you would if you have a 'graphics' intensive page, which would naturally have higher file sizes that are being trasferred from your site to your visitor's browser.
That's great Ginger, but how this effect my hosting?
Well, that depends on your host, and the package you sign up for. For example, most hosting services set an limit on the amount of bandwith they include with your fee per month. Depending on the nature of your site, (graphics intensive vs. lower file sized pages), you should be able to predict how much bandwith you will need.
Case in point; my design site is definately what most would consider a *graphics intensive* web site! I can tell you that most of pages there are over the recommended file size of 24kbs. From my stats logs, I can see that I receive upwards of 150,000 hits to my site before I reach a total bandwith of 2GBs, which is usually the maximun limit you'll find on lower scaled hosting packages.
If you know, or predict that you'll see more hits than that in any given month, you may want to consider shopping for a hosting package that offers a higher maximum of bandwith allowed per month.
Hosting companies that limit your bandwith, an additional fee whey you exceed your limits. The average additional cost I've found through my research is approximately $3USD per GB...
FYI= 1 GB = 1,000 MB 1 MB = 1,000 KB
So, if you have a bandwith, (aka 'data transfer'), of 2GB, that would equal approximately the same amount of data you can store on 3 CD's. *whew*

If you're building your first web site, and have no idea how much traffic you will generate out of the gate, I would recommend starting with a basic web hosting package. As your site grows in popularity, and your traffic increases, you can always talk to your host about upgrading to a package with higher bandwith limits.
From my own experience, brand new websites usually take about 3-6 months of solid promotion before bandwith becomes an issue. Remember to use a host that provides in-depth statistics reports, and monitor web site activity regularly. Watch for trends, and base your judgements on your results.......

What is ASP (Active Server Pages) Web hosting...

ASP web hosting refers to web hosting companies who provide support for ASP (Active Server Page). If you want a dynamic data-driven web site you may wish to embed ASP code into your web site’s HTML Pages. When a user is viewing a web site that is developed ASP, the pages can change depending on the actions of the user. ASP code allows you to link your web pages a database, where users can interact with the web page by logging in and using their own personal settings or they can interactively place orders on your web site.

What is ASP?

ASP stands for Server Pages. Active Server Pages are HTML pages with embedded ASP scripts that are processed on the server before the page is sent to the user. ASP allows you to create dynamic database pages, a user can access data in a database, and interact with page objects such as Active X or Java components.

How does ASP work?

When you type a URL in the Address Box or click on a web page you are asking the web server to send a file to your computer; if the file is standard HTML, then, when your web browser receives the web page it will look exactly the same as it did on the web server. However if an ASP file is your computer from the web server, firstly, the server will run the HTML code; and then, run the ASP code. For example: the ASP code could be the current date, or time; and other such information.

How to find an ASP web host

You will need to find a web host who will host your website on a Windows 2000 server. It is safer to host your ASP pages on a Windows 2000 server as they are more stable and most ASP components work with IIS (Internet Information Services), specific to Windows. You also consider if your web site uses a database (e.g. SQL, Access) and then make sure your web host provides support for the type of database your web site uses....

Affordable is many times more than the price tag...

"Some people tend to go for freebies, but would you take free eggs if they were offered on the parking lot supermarket? I know I wouldn't".

What is affordable anyway? At first, could think it solely depends on the price. In most cases you end up realizing it's rather far away from that. Taking the cheapest hosting service on internet is not far away from buying the cheapest house or a car available. I know you wouldn't do that so read on and i'll explain why you shouldn't get the cheapest hosting service provider either.

There are many companies out there offering web hosting for ridiculous prices. They offer everything unlimited for only 5.95 per month. At the same time they talk about global sales, special trained staff, fiberoptics, fully redundant cisco networks and so on but how can they get all the money for building the infrastructure, equipment and training then? Not from hosting. You see it from their price tag.

While these companies render conomically unwit by the promises that are proved to be impossible, they also reaveal their true knowledge of technology by claiming to offer unlimited anything. The truth is, nothing is unlimited, except outer space, and this we are still unsure of. So unless we prove the space to continue forever and get it captured inside a hard disk cover, let's just assume there is no such thing as unlimited. Especially when it comes to bandwidth and disk space.

The major concern when it comes to choosing a web host is the speed. Not the bandwidth or the disk space as you can always get more. But when it comes to server speed, or responsiveness, that is something that you cannot get with money. It's just what it is and usually gets worse by the time when server fills up. If your host offers unlimited features with a low price, you can be sure that the servers need to be filled with a lot of customers to get profit from the server. And that means slow speeds which will never get any better.
The next concern is what you can do with the service. Many companies like to play safe and simply install everyhing into their servers and offer that as a single package. But what happens on a computer that runs ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Perl, Python, mySQL, MSSQL, SSI and so on? In worst cases, nothing. In a milder variation of the above, something but not what they intended. When they get it all working, the server will have so many workarounds configured and security holes created so that it should be drawn out of production to be repaired. Unfortunately on some companies this doesn't apply and instead of being concerned about clients security, they're more concerned to get everything somewhat working so they can write all the fancy features in a single ad on their site.

The time goes by, they apply some updates and nothing works. They apply some more funky configurations and get the computer running once again. This game resembles a lot of the spring-games I used to play when I was still a kid, trying to get the waterflow from melting snow going where I wanted. It's like you tell the flow where to go but where not to. No matter how hard I tried, the next morning the water was going where it wanted. The problem wasn't with the tools or the technique, but the original idea of getting the water go forever where it wouldn't go. This is very close to the idea of having all the technologies running on a single box. Cool, but doesn't work.

When you get your site hosted on a server with the above configurations, you'll force your webmaster coding in broken environment. Many times with old drivers because the new ones caused problems. The code that the webmaster codes on the server is forcibly filled with workarounds similar ones in the operating system configuration. And when the time comes, that the hosting service provider discontinues their services because they were found to be impossible, you will need to switch hosts. For your surprise, the code won't work the new server. Why? Because the new server doesn't have all those "special" configurations and "hot ideas" in the operating system.

At this point you will need to contact your webmaster to get things working. And pray the god that you can contact the same webmaster you previously used as he hopefully remembers even somehing about the workarounds in the code and why they were implemented. Getting a new webmaster would probably lead to rewriting the whole code. At least it should be cheaper way. Sounds pricey? It is, especially when you take into account how much time and money were used with the initial code while coding in all the workarounds we're about to trash.
So when choosing an affordable host, you should search for a host with reasonable prices compared to the services they offer. This way they can afford keeping all the technology working top notch. This way your environment will be stable and working and the development on the server should be as fast and cheap as possible. Do not believe in marketing gimmicks like unlimited mailboxes, disk space, bandwidth or anything. It's not even possible and only proves that the company is driven by marketing people biased to improving their economy. Not the customer's. When it feels too good to be true, then it is exactly that.

ow to estimate your website hosting needs...

I write this article especially for people who are new to web hosting. This is why I will only talk about the basic needs (in a shared hosting environment): space, bandwidth. Most of the people looking for features (scripting, databases) already know what they want/need anyway.
So let's start with the space. Web space (disk space) is the amount of data you can store on the hard disk web server. Each web hosting accound comes with a certain amount of space, usually over 50 MB and less than 1000 MB.

Obviously, the amount of needed space depends on the size of the website. Most websites are composed of html (text) pages with a few images (gifs or jpegs) or even a little bit of Flash animation. Text very economical; it occupies very little space. Images and flash are more expensive; they require a lot of space. If you're new to the web you might think it's great to have a lot colorful images to make your website really beautiful. Don't make this common mistake!
Your aim should be to say as much as you can on a page while maintaining it's size under 50-60 KB including images. The reason? There are still lots of people using slow dial-up connections of under 56 Kbps. For a 150 KB will take more that 21 seconds to load. A 60 KB page will take more than 8 seconds to load. That's still a lot of time! A good page size is under 30 KB. A maximum page size is 50-60 KB.

Considering an average page size of 30 KB, you can put approximately 33 pages on 1Mb of space. If 10 MB space available, you could host 330 pages. I only wish I had so many pages to put online. Don't worry, I'm working on it!
The idea is this: unless you run a busy forum your needs for space are likely to be rather modest. Just keep in mind to achieve an average of 30KB/page and you should be more than fine even with 10 MB of web space.

Bandwidth is the amount of data that you're allowed to transfer per month. It includes all uploads and downloads regardless of the protocol used (HTTP, FTP, POP etc.). Bandwidth depends very much on the average page size, but it also depends on the number visitors your website will have and the average number of pages they visit. For an average page size of 30 KB, 20,000 visitors per month and 3 pages per visitor your website will need about 1800 MB (1.8 GB) of bandwidth per month. Most low cost hosting packages include amount of bandwidth. Not to mention that 20,000 visitors per month is only a dream for most websites. Most don't even have 2,000 visitors per month.

I took you through all those numbers just to give you an idea how to estimate your needs. If you're just launching website you will not need neither a huge amount of space, neither a huge amount of bandwidth. For 99% of people a hosting account with 10MB of space and 1Gb is more than enough.


Unless you have reasons to believe that your website will definitely have lots of visitors and unless you'll offer movies or music for download (legally of course ), I see little reason for you to worry about space and bandwidth.

Just make your own calculations and also try to make sure that the host you choose allows account upgrades. That is to make sure you will be able to get more space and/or bandwidth if/when you need it without going through all the trouble of changing hosts....

Choosing The Wrong Server Will Literally Make Or Break You...

Today I am going to talk about two types of servers, one is Virtual Web Hosting the other is Virtual Private Servers.

Over the last couple of years Virtual Web Hosting has been only way to go when choosing a web server. One of the reasons that Virtual Web Hosting became so popular was because they supported the necessary files and allowed you to have more freedom than other conventional web hosts. But now you can have more freedom than ever before with Virtual Private Servers. Moreover, Virtual Private Servers should not be confused with Virtual Hosts, because they are completely different.

Before I go any further I must explain what difference is between a Virtual Host and a Virtual Private Server, so that you can fully understand. In this article I will also go over the advantages and disadvantages both types of servers, to help you decide which is right for and your business. Let's get started with Virtual Hosting.
Virtual Hosting
Virtual Hosting is also known as Shared Web Hosting, where you are sharing the physical server and a single set of software applications with other users. Virtual Hosting has extremely popular in the past for it's fast deployment, strong resources, and most importantly for having a very reasonable price. Another advantage to Virtual Hosting is that you a powerful, reliable, and professionally managed server without having to have advanced technical skills, making it ideal for an individual, small business, or even a beginner webmaster.
The disadvantage of Virtual Hosting is that you are sharing the server with other users, which are configured and controlled by an administrator, not you. So basically you have your hands tied behind your back, because you have to contact the administrator everytime you have to adjust change your configuration settings. Even if you managed to get a hold of the administrator, they may not fulfill your request. It's up to them, they are the administrator. If you were the administrator you wouldn't have these limitations and would have full control.

Virtual Private Servers :

Virtual Private Servers are a hot topic these days and for a good reason. Before I get into the advantages of a Virtual Private Server, let explain what it is first. A Virtual Private Server is a single server that is partitioned at the root into multiple dedicated servers. This allows you to share the cost of the network connectivity, hardware, and system maintenance with other hosting customers, while maintaining your flexibility and freedom.
The real advantage of Virtual Private Servers that they allow you to have complete control and they have security advantages of a dedicated server at the fraction of the cost. You have access to the virtual root, Telnet, web configuration files, and full CGI-BIN access. I can't forget to mention that you also have access to your password, aliases file, and sendmail configuaration file. For many reasons you can see that a Virtual Private Server is an excellent solution for small to medium size businesses that have an increasingly complex needs.
Moreover, there is one disadvantage with Virtual Private Servers, you need to have some program knowledge to control and configure the settings. Sounds overwhelming, most businesses that offer Virtual Servers have very detailed manuals making them easier to configure and control no matter what your program level is.
Which one is right for you? Well, that all depends on you and the size of your network.
If you have or plan on having just one web site have absolutely no programing knowledge, then Virtual Hosting is the recommended and economical way for you to go. A Virtual Host can cost anywhere $20 - $50 a month for an account, rather than a $100 or more for a Virtual Private Server.

On the other hand, if you have a larger network that requires multiple web sites, like ours, and you have some programing knowledge, then a Virtual Private Server is ideal for you. You can host up to 50 web sites on a Virtual Private Server account, instead of having multiple Virtual Hosting accounts, which is not as economical.
When it comes time to get a web server, make sure that the server fits your needs and that it supports the essential software prosperous online business....